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Book Review: The Right It by Alberto Savoia

  Have you ever had an idea for a project or business that seemed so good in your head, but just didn’t work out? Have you ever poured your blood, sweat and tears into a startup that was doomed to fail? Or are you currently working on a product, but you...

Salary Progression: The Case for Merit Pay

We don’t like to talk about finance. We won’t easily share our income publicly, or even privately with those closest to us. And there are a lot of other strange aspects to finance and salary — not just that we don’t disclose it, but also how we...

Lying in Sales: From Software Demos to Job Interviews

If we think about sales, we often think about the work salespeople do. From selling complicated enterprise software products to selling new telephone contracts. But as many people who actually work in sales say, sales is not just ‘sales’. In fact, you can...