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Why I love Side Projects and Indie Hackers

The internet made so many things possible. From the words you’re reading on this screen to Google Maps, smart phones, and even smart coffee makers*, the internet offers endless possibilities. But there’s one thing — one thing in particular which I find...

Freelance Pricing: Differences in Client Valuation

The very first job I had as a freelancer was article editing. The article in question had been translated from English to Dutch, and it was my job to edit it and make sure the article had a good flow. The job earned me a solid 10 dollars and was my initiation to...

Issues with Personal Development

A while ago, I finished reading The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson. The Slight Edge is a typical personal development book, providing the reader with the (so-called ‘simple’) key to success, well-being and happiness. While these books aren’t for everyone, I quite like them...

Just Start Writing

Sitting in the train to Brussels, I was listening to this podcast I like by Courtland from IndieHackers. Courtland speaks regularly to ‘internet business entrepreneurs’ — people who have made or are running a business that’s entirely on the internet. For this...